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「Decline / Turn down - 拒否する・断る・却下」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ decline 断る、拒否する、辞退する
ex) The company declined comment on the news.
会社はそのニュースに対する コメントを拒否した
decline: to say that you will not or cannot do something
ex) She declined to run for a second term as governor.
■ kill ぼつにする、却下する
ex) Often great ideas from below get killed by board members.
kill: If someone or something kills a project, activity, or idea, they completely destroy or end it.
ex) His objective was to kill the project.
彼の目的は そのプロジェクトをぼつにすることだ
■ shoot down (案など)受け入れない、拒否する
ex) When planning a family vacation, my wife shoots down every idea I have.
家族旅行を計画する時、妻は私の意見 を全て拒否する
shoot down: dismiss someone by forcefully criticizing or arguing with them.
ex) When I finally had the courage to speak to her she just shot me down.
■ dismissive 拒否するような、否定的な
ex) He was dismissive of my idea.
彼女は私の意見に対し 否定的であった
dismissive: refusing to think about or consider something or someone
ex) He spoke dismissively about the accident.
彼は その事故に対し、関心なさそうに話した
■ reject 拒否する
ex) Stay open to young pleople instead of rejecting them.
若い人たちを拒否せずに 相手の意見を受け入れよう
reject: to refuse to believe, accept, or consider (something)
ex) My teacher rejected my excuse for being late.
■ refuse 拒否する、拒む、嫌がる
ex) When they offered me the money, I couldn't refuse.
refuse: to say that you will not accept (something, such as a gift or offer)
ex) They asked her to help but she refused.
彼らは 彼女に助けを求めたが、彼女は拒否した
■ deny 否定する、認めない
ex) He denied any knowledge of their actions.
deny: to say that something is not true
ex) The banks denied (= refused) them credit.
■ denial 否認、否定、受け入れないこと
ex) She issued a flat denial of the charges made against her.
彼女は 罪状に対し、きっぱりと否定した
denial : a statement saying that something is not true or real : a statement in which someone denies something
ex) The hardest part of the punishment was the denial of his right to see his children.
その処罰でもっとも厳しかったことは、自分の子供に合う権利を 却下されたことである
■ rebut 退ける、拒否する
ex) My boss constantly rebuts my ideas just to prove that he's smart.
rebut: claim or prove that (evidence or an accusation) is false.
ex) He had to rebut charges of acting for the convenience of his political friends.
彼は 政治的な朋友に便宜を提供した容疑を 否定しなければならなかった
■ rebuff (親切を)拒絶する、はねつける
ex) Our suggestion was immediately rebuffed.
私たちの提案は 即座に却下された
rebuff: : to refuse (something, such as an offer or suggestion) in a rude way
ex) She rebuffed him when he asked her for a date.
彼女は 彼のデートの誘いを 拒否した
■ throw out (提案・申し出などを)拒否する、受け入れない
ex) The organization threw out our proposal for no specific reason.
明確な理由もなく企画 を受け入れなかった
throw out: to dismiss from acceptance or consideration
ex) The testimony was thrown out.
■ turndown 拒否
ex) He got turndowns from all the better colleges.
彼は 質の高い大学から 全て拒否された
turndown: an act or instance of being refused or rejected
ex) No idea should meet a flat turndown if there's a chance of success.
成功する可能性があるのなら、いかなるアイデアも 即座に拒否されてはならない
■ turn down (提案・申し出などを)拒否する、受け入れない
ex) His novel was turned down by publisher after publisher.
彼の小説は、多くの出版社から 出版を拒否された
turn down: reject something offered or proposed
ex) The actress has turned dow a lucrative offer to star in a movie.
■ lucrative 有利な、お金になる
ex) I turn Down a lucrative job offer.
lucrative: profitable; moneymaking; remunerative
ex) He made a fortune by signing a lucrative deal with the baseball team.
■ give a thumbs-down to … … に反対する、拒否する
ex) No one could give our proposal a thumbs down.
thmubs-down: an instance or gesture of rejection, disapproval, or condemnation
ex) They gave our plan the thumbs down.
彼らは 我々の計画を却下した
■ give thumbs-up to … … に賛成する
ex) Their elaborated presentation deserves two thumbs up.
thumbs-up: used to show approval of something
ex) Legislators gave the thumbs up to new tax credits.
国会議員たちは 新しい 税額控除の法案に賛成した
提案する□ 準備する□ 検討する□ 受領する□ 予定する□ 時間の調整□