英語で Appliance - OA機器・電気器具・コンセント - TOP

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「Appliance - OA機器・電気器具・コンセント」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

office automation equipment OA機器
ex) Using latest technology, office automation equipment helps us do our jobs faster.

automation: the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically
ex) Office automation allows data to move without human intervention.

home electric appliance   家電
ex) We sell home electric appliances like air purifiers.

electric: of or relating to electricity
ex) All electrical appliances have the wattage listed somewhere on the appliance.
全ての家電には 器具のどこかに ワット数が表示されている

outlet   コンセント、ソケット
ex) Don't leave appliances plugged into the electrical outlet.

outlet: a device in a wall into which an electric cord can be plugged in order to provide electricity for a lamp, television, etc.
ex) You are not allowed to install an outlet inside a wall.
壁にコンセントを取り付けることは 認められていない

appliance    電気器具
ex) We deal with small kitchen appliances like coffee makers.

appliance: a machine (such as a stove, microwave, or dishwasher) that is powered by electricity and that is used in people's houses to perform a particular job
ex) All household/domestic appliances are now on sale.

an electrical cord   電気コード
ex) I tripped over the tangled electrical cords.
電気コードに つまずいた

extension cord    延長コード
ex) Extension cord clutter can be overwhelming.
ごちゃごちゃの延長コードは、 どうにもならない

power strip    OAタップ(複数の電気器具を使うための複数のコンセント)
ex) Use power strips to eliminate wasted energy.

hook up …  …を接続する、つなぐ
ex) He brought it down, hooked it up, and we got the generator going.
彼は 一旦 発電機を停止させ、電源に接続し、作動させた

hook up: join something together, a temporary connection between two pieces of equipment such as computers
ex) Hooking up the new computer is a snap.
新しい コンピューターの接続は、簡単だ

snap 簡単なこと
ex) It's not a snap, but we could eliminate raicial injustice.
簡単ではないが 人種的な不公平を なくすことができるでしょう

snap: something that can be done without any difficulty
ex) Thinking that the exam would be a snap, she didn't bother to study for it.

until a click is heard    カチッという音が聞こえるまで
ex) Lift the lever until a click is heard.

hold in 抑え込む、長押しする
ex) Hold in the button on your cell phone for ten seconds.

restore … to factory settings   … を出荷設定に戻す
ex) You can solve this type of problem by restoring the fax machine to its factory settings.
ファクス機を出荷設定に戻すことで、問題は 解決する

take apart (機器などを)分解する
ex) Taking apart the monitor can be very dangerous.

instructions   説明(書)
ex) Review carefully the instruction booklet.


パソコン   インターネット  ファクス  コピー 家具・什器 機能 
