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「Furniture & Fixtures - 什器・家具・設置」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ furniture and fixtures 什器
ex) Office furniture and the fixtures are huge investment for business.
什器設置は かなりのビジネス投資額になる
furniture and fixtures: larger items of movable equipment that are used to furnish an office
ex) Moving office furniture can be a streamlined process with the right approach.
オフィス什器の 移設は、正しい方法を用い、合理的な手順で行うべきだ
■ install 備え付ける
ex) The floor-mounted stools are installed in the waiting room.
install: place or fix (equipment or machinery) in position ready for use
ex) We're planning to install an automatic revolving door.
私たちは 自動回転扉の備え付けを 計画している
■ equip … with ‥ … を装備している
ex) I've equipped my car with the alarm system.
equip : to provide (something) with a particular feature or ability
ex) Each desk is equipped with a drawer set.
□ mount 備え付ける
ex) We're looking for floor-mounted partitions.
□ acoustic partition 防音パーティション
ex) Those acoustic partitions reduce the office noise level.
■ cubicle パーティションで仕切られた、個室風の仕事スペース
ex) All cubicles are equipped with a desk and a chair.
cubicle: a small partitioned-off area of a room, for example one containing a bed in a dwelling or one containing a desk in an office
ex) There are approximately 18 supervisor cubicles allocated in the work area.
仕事場には 約18の主任用の個室風の仕事スペースが割り当てられている
□ swivel chair 回転椅子
ex) These swivel chairs give us easy access to materials around us.
■ stacking chair 重ねられる椅子
ex) Stacking chairs help you save space.
stack: arrange (a number of things) in a pile, typically a neat one
ex) The stacking desk impresses with minimalist elegance combined with an innovative design concept.
この積み重ね式の机は 革新的なデザインと ミニマルなエレガントさが印象的です
OA機器□ 機能□ パソコン□ インターネット□ ファクス□ コピー□