英語で 商談・交渉 - TOP

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「Negotiation - 商談・交渉」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

negotiate 交渉する、話し合う、意見を交わす
ex) There are a lot of ways you can negotiate a deal in the business world.

negotiate: obtain or bring about by discussion
ex) He negotiated a new contract with the sellers.
彼は販売者たちと 新しい契約について交渉した

 discuss …    … について討論する
ex)We discuss price reductions with our clients.

discuss: : to talk about (something) with another person or group
ex) Have you discussed the matter with your family?
その件に関して 家族と話し合いましたか?

 conduct business negotiations 交渉・商談を行なう
ex) It requires the ability to conduct tough negotiations.

negotiation: discussion aimed at reaching an agreement
ex) Negotiating in business requires careful preparation and the ability to improvise.

 identify one's needs 需要を特定する、確認する
ex) It's imperative to identify what the other party wants.

identify: establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is
ex) The most straightforward way to identify customer needs is to simply ask them directly.
顧客の需要を特定するために もっとも率直な方法は 彼らに 質問してみることだ

 the imperative     欠かせないこと、必須性<
ex) The survey focuses on the imperative of ensuring food security.
その調査は 食糧安全確保の必須性に、焦点を合わせている

imperative: an essential or urgent thing
ex) Proper preparation in advance is imperative for effective negotiations.
効率的な交渉を行なうためには 事前の適切な準備 が必要である

lubricate the negotiation  交渉を円滑に進める
■ Try lubricating the negotiation process.
交渉の過程を円滑に進める       lubricate - process

the negotiation evolves 交渉が進展する
The negotiations evolved to cover many issues.
多岐に渡る問題を取り上げながら進展した evolve

sway … to one's side    (気持ちなど)… を自分寄りの方へ、傾かせる
■ Attempt to sway their opinion to your side.
彼らの意見を、こちらに有利な方向へ傾ける attempt - sway - opinion

convince … to ‥   … に ‥するよう説得する
■ I convinced sellers to lower their prices.
値段を下げるよう、説得する convince

reach a happy medium    (両者が)妥協する、接点を見つける
Both sides have to accept an idea to reach a happy medium.
■ 両者が妥協点を見いだす medium

get a warm feeling about …   … に好感を持つ
■ I'm not getting a warm feeling about the exclusivity.
独占権に関しては、あまり好意的ではない exclusivity

put … to one side … を脇に置く
■ Let us put the question of money to one side for the moment.

come to an agreement    同意に達する
■ We've come to a sure agreement on the terms of the contract.
契約書の条項に関し、同意に達した term - contract

clinch a deal    成約をまとめる
■ Go over every clause in the contract before clinching any final deal.

clause     条項、箇条
□ Scan the detailed exclusion clauses
免責条項に目をやる exclusion - clause

exclusion clause 免責事項
□ I think this contract should involve an exclusion clause or two.
免責事項を盛り込むべきだ contract - exclusion - clause

close a contract 契約を結ぶ
ex) We closed the contract on favorable terms with us.

close a deal/sale/contract: to successfully agree a business deal, sale etc
ex) He talks and talks, compromises and compromises, until he closes a deal.
彼は 契約を結ぶまで、交渉と妥協を重ねる

on favorable terms    好条件で
□ You may take a job with less favorable terms.
条件の悪い職に就くかも知れない favorable - term


会合  プレゼン  出張する  資料  提出する  情報  
