英語で 優位・優勢・優位性 - TOP

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「Dominate - 優位・優勢・優位性」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

get an edge        優位に立つ
ex) You need to get/gain an edge on your competition.

競争に勝つための 優位性を確保する必要がある

edge: an advantage over others
ex) The connection gave us an edge in the bidding for the contract.
契約の獲得に関し、私たちは 人脈で優位に立つ

bid for   入札する、(競争に)名乗りを上げる
ex) Tokyo is ready to bid for the Olympics.
東京は オリンピック候補地として、立候補する準備ができている

bid: to offer to do work for a particular price
ex) Several local companies are bidding for the same job.
いくつかの地元企業は 同じ仕事を獲得しようと競争している

competitive edge   競争上の優位性
ex) We trimmed workforce to the point where we'd lose our competitive edge.

competitive edge: the fact that a company has an advantage over its competitors
ex) The business needs to innovate in order to maintain a competitive edge.

get to the point where S + V … という地点までたどり着く
ex) The revenue decreased and it reached a point where we agreed on pay cuts.

to the point: to a particular state
ex) Things are getting to the point where we can’t beat our competition.

get the upper hand    (試合・競争などで)優勢・優勢になる
ex) We have the upper hand in the negotiations.
私たちは 交渉で優位に立っている

have the upper hand: have the advantage over someone or something
ex) He usually has the upper hand because he's older.
彼は年上なので 普段は優位に立っている

come out ahead (人よりも)優位に立つ
■ This program helps your brand come out ahead.
ブランドの優位性に役立つ program - ahead

dominate       優位に立つ
■ Our coaching program gives you the cutting edge to dominate.
先頭に立つ優位性を与える coaching - program - edge - dominate

cutting edge      (流行などの)最先端
□ We've been on the cutting edge of the new technology.
技術面で最先端にいる edge - technology

dominance      優位性
■ With the diminishing dominance of enterprises, the economy's going into tailspin again.
経済が乱気流に巻き込まれる diminish - dominance - enterprise - economy - tailspin

diminish      縮む、減る
□ These cost-cutting measures might diminish sales in the long run.
売上が縮小するかもしれない measure - diminish

go into tail spin    乱気流に巻き込まれる、(ビジネス)傾く
□ US dollar will fall against yen if markets go into tailspin.
円高で、市場が傾く dollar - tailspin

preponderance      目立つこと、優位
■ There's a preponderance of the tradition.
伝統での優位性がある there’s - preponderance

rise above the crowd       抜きに出る、優位に立つ
■ It is easier to start a new product, but harder to rise above the crowd.
競争で優位に立つことは難しい    product - above

stand out of the crowd    抜きに出る、優位に立つ
■ Internet marketing is a great way to make your business stand out of the crowd.


勝つ 緩和する 競争   負ける  苦戦する  協力する 
