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「Enhance - 強化・補強・アップグレード」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ strengthen 強化する
ex) He takes herbs to strengthen his immune system.
免疫機能を強化するために 彼は ハーブを摂取している
strengthen: to make (someone or something) stronger, more forceful, more effective, etc.
ex) These exercises will strengthen your stomach muscles.
□ reinforce 強化する、補強する
ex) The captain sent out another squad to reinforce the troops.
隊長は部隊を補強するために 別の分隊を送り込んだ
reinforce: to strengthen (a group of people) with new supplies or more people
ex) Our camp is reinforced with supplies flown in by helicopter.
□ upgrade (性能など)高める、強化する
ex) This car is loaded with many upgraded features.
□ upgarde アップグレード版
ex) Version 4.0 was released as a free upgrade last year.
バージョン 4.0 は、無償アップグレード版として、昨年配布された
□ enhance(機能など)強める、強化する
ex) They launch a browser with enhanced privacy settings.
■ training camp 強化合宿
ex) A training camp offers numerous advantages for athletes in any sport.
強化合宿は あらゆるスポーツ選手に 多くの有利点をもたらす
training camp: an organized period in which military personnel or athletes participate in a rigorous and focused schedule of training in order to learn or improve skills
ex) A boot camp is the first step in preparing to be a soldier.
■ shore up 強化する
ex) These speakers can shore up sound quality in your car audio system.
shore up: to support or improve an organization, agreement, or system that is not working effectively or that is likely to fail
ex) The new public relations manager has the difficult task of shoring up the company's troubled image.
新任のPRマネージャーは 会社の悪いイメージを改善するという 困難な任務を抱えている
■ beef up 強化する
ex) Many snack makers beefed up their marketing.
beef up: give more substance or strength to something
ex) Cost-cutting measures are planned to beef up performance.
コスト削減施策は 業績強化のために計画されている
■ bolster 支える、強化する
ex) This engine bolsters durability.
bolster: to give support to (something)
ex) She came with me to bolster my confidence.
彼女は私の自信を支えるために 私に同行した
□ give increased … より高い … を提供する
ex) Those pillows give you an increased level of comfort.