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「Competitive edge - 競争・ライバル・競争力」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ competitive edge 競争力
ex) You have a competitive edge when your product is more easily chosen above your competitors.
□ maintain competitiveness 競争力を維持する
ex) That company stays at the forefront of the markets and maintain its competitiveness.
□ differentiate oneself from competition 競争相手を抜きんでる
ex) We keep focused on to differentiate ourselves from the competition.
□ intensify competition 競争が激化する
ex) Costs continue to rise because of market saturation and intensifying competition.
■ rivalry 張り合う(こと)、競争状態
ex) Product differentiation reduces the threat of rivalry.
rivalry: : a state or situation in which people or groups are competing with each other
ex) There is a bitter rivalry between the two groups.
2つのグループの間には 辛辣なライバル意識がある
■ sibling rivalry 兄弟のライバル意識
ex) Often, sibling rivalry starts even before the second child joins the family.
しばし 兄弟のライバル意識は 2番目の子どもが生まれる前から 始まる
sibling: a brother or sister
ex) Sibling rivalry is a remarkably normal feature of family life that can sometimes help to push children to do and be better.
兄弟間のライバル意識は 家族生活の中で自然な出来事であり、子供たちの行動や 振舞いを改善することにも役立つ
■ unopposed 無競争の、反対者のいない
ex) Creativity stems from a team where ideas can stand unopposed.
unopposed: with no one trying to compete against you
ex) He was elected unopposed as party president
彼は 無競争のまま 党首に投票で選ばれた
□ dog-eat-dog 競争の激しい
ex) Read this book to understand how to navigate in such dog-eat-dog corporate world.
□ vie for … …を目指して競争する
ex) Those TV stations are vying for audience share.