英語で 緩和・軽減  - TOP

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「Ease off - 緩和・軽減・和らげる 」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

ease … を和らげる
ex) The new highway will help ease traffic congestion.

ease: to free (someone or something) from trouble or worry

ease off   和らぐ、弱くなる 
ex) The rush-hour will start easing off around 10am.

alleviate        … を和らげる、軽減する
ex) The new route will alleviate major delays for trains.

alleviate: to reduce the pain or trouble of (something)   
smooth なめらかにする
ex) This bridge was designed to smooth the flow of traffic.

smooth: to remove problems or difficulties from a situation

free up     (混雑、渋滞を)解消する
ex) Restoration of the station will free up congestion.

let up (暑さなど)和らぐ
ex) Theree days on, the heat refuses to let up in Tokyo.

let up: to stop or become slower
ex) The snowfall is not expected to let up anytime soon.
降雪がすぐに 弱まることは 期待できません

shock-absorbing ショックを和らげる、緩衝の
ex) There are two kinds of the shock absorbing materials such as rigid polyurethane foam and Styrofoam.
緩衝材には、硬直型のポリウレタンと 発泡スチロールの2種類がある

shock absorber = damper, a mechanical or hydraulic device designed to absorb and damp shock impulses
ex) The University have developed a new shock-absorbing material that is super lightweight, yet offers the protection of metal.
大学は 軽量で、金属を保護する新しい緩衝材を開発した

mitigate (怒りなど)... を和らげる、(刑など)軽くする
ex) Emergency funds are being provided to help mitigate the effects of the disaster.
緊急援助資金は 災害の影響を和らげるために 提供されている

mitigate: to make (something) less severe, harmful, or painful
ex) He wanted to mitigate misery in the world.
彼は 世界の苦悩を 軽減したいと思っていた


勝つ 競争力 強化する 結果 負ける  優位性
