英語で 支払う・前払い - TOP

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「Pay Up Front - 支払う・前払い」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

settle an invoice 請求書に対して支払う     
ex) Setting a shorter payment term, we need to settle the invoice in a shorter time.

□□ invoice 請求書
□□ ex) Sort these invoices by date. □□ 請求書を 日付けで分類して

invoice  請求書を送る   
ex) The amount you invoiced us for is incorrect.

pay off the balance in full    残高を全部支払う 
ex) As long as you pay the balance in full you shouldn't care about it.
全額 支払いを済ませている限り、気にする必要はない

shell out    (大金を)支払う、(不本意に)手渡す  
ex) They shell out their dividend on an annual basis.

shell out: pay a specified amount of money, especially an amount that is resented as being excessive.
ex) She ended up shelling out for two rooms.

dividend 配当金
ex) Companies generally pay dividents in cash directly into the shareholder's brokerage account.
企業は通常 配当金を直接 株主の証券取引口座に支払う

dividend: an amount of a company's profits that the company pays to people who own stock in the company
ex) Instead of paying cash, companies can also pay investors with additional shares of stock.
現金で支払う代わりに 企業は投資家に配当金を 追加の株券で 支払うこともできる

pay top dollar for …    …に大金を払う
ex) They're paying top dollar for the generic medicine.
彼らは 市販薬に大金を支払っている

pay top dollar: pay the highest possible price for it
ex) Multinational companies pay top dollar for well-connected consultants.
多国籍企業は 広い人脈を持ったコンサルタントに 大量の給与を支払う

pay … by automatic draft    自動口座引き落としで支払う   
ex) They notified me of the exact date the automatic draft would begin.

pay it in one lump sum    一括で支払う  
ex) Retirement money should be paid to us in one lump sum.

pay up front    前金で払う     
ex) We pay cash up-front for your inventory.

□□ inventory 在庫
□□ ex) Inventory control is concerned with minimizing the total cost of inventory.
□□ 在庫管理は 在庫コストを最小限に抑えることに 関係する

everything up-front    全額前払いで   
ex) The brokers get paid half up-front and the rest at the end of the mouth.

down payment    頭金
ex) We can't afford a large down payment.

put down          頭金として支払う
ex) We'll put down a large down payment on a home.

pay on time     分割払いする
ex) The best part of the deal is you get to pay on time.
この契約の良い点は 分割で支払えることだ

pay in … payments         … 回払いで支払う 
ex) You can opt to pay in up to 12 payments.

fall behind on one's payments     支払いが遅れる   
ex) We fell six months behind on our gas bill.


交渉する かさむ 減らす 経費 交渉する 返品する
