英語で支出・消費・経費 - TOP

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「Expenditure - 経費・支出・消費」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

expenditure 出費、支出 
ex) Your income should exceed your expenditures.
収入は 出費を上回らなければ ならない

expenditure: an amount of money that is spent on something
ex) Expenditures related to the business operations are shouldered by the employer.
業務運営に関わる 経費は、雇用主によって負担される

🔗「Incur / Shoulder - 費用を負担する・自己負担」 に関連する 英語表現

shoulder   … を負担する
ex) We will shoulder medical expenses of people injured on the job.

shoulder : to deal with or accept (something) as your responsibility or duty
ex) Now Uber has to shoulder expenses that in the past often were borne by fleet owners.
現在 ウーバー社は 以前は 車両保持者によって支払われていた経費を、負担しなければならない

expend 費やす、消費する、浪費する
ex) They expend all their energy and money fixing up their house.
彼らは 家の修繕に エネルギーとお金を使い果たした

expend: to use or spend (something)
ex) You can only lose weight by expending more calories than you take in.
体重を減らすには、カロリーを 摂取した以上に 消費する必要がある

overhead costs   諸経費 
ex) He's making money with no labor and few overhead expenses.

overhead: costs for rent, heat, electricity, etc., that a business must pay and that are not related to what the business sells
ex) Her company has very little overhead.
彼女の会社は かける経費がほとんどない

□□ expense 費用
□□ ex) They shall bear the cost of educating the children.
□□ 教育費を負担しなければならない

□□ bear: to accept (something, such as cost or responsibility)
□□ bear - boar -borne

outlay     支出、経費
ex) Because of rising interest rates, outlays will increase dramatically.

public spending 一般人の消費
ex) Cuts in public spending can lead to more private investment.

consumption tax 消費税
ex) Scrapping the consumption tax in favor of higher income taxes wouldn't work well.

prime the pump(景気刺激のために)政府の支出を増やす
ex) The government should prime the pump of the economy.


交渉する かさむ 減らす 浪費する 負担する 返品する
