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Trim Costs - 節減・節約・減らす に関する 英単語 & イデオム

trim costs     費用を削る   
ex) Companies are seeking to trim costs.

trim: make (something) neat or of the required size or form by cutting away irregular or unwanted parts
ex) It's been widely suspected that carmakers prioritized building higher trim levels or more profitable models.
車メーカーは 経費削減や、より利益率の高い 車種を優先しているのではないかとの疑念が広まっている

the spending cuts   支出削減
ex) A new study offers more evidence that cutting spending is less harmful to economic growth than raising taxes.
最新の調査では 増税よりも 支出削減の方が 経済成長に与える 悪影響が少ないとの 証拠が提示されている

spending cut: the act of reducing spending
ex) Managers conducted devastating spending cuts.
管理職者たちは がむしゃらな 経費削減を行なった

devastating         打撃的な、 壊滅的な  
ex) The depression had devastating effects in every country.

devastating: causing a lot of damage or destruction
ex) 8% budget cut to the research center will be devastating to science and tech progress.
研究センターに対する 8%の予算削減は、科学や技術の発展に 大きな打撃となるだろう

cut down on …      …を減らす workforce
■ They are cutting down on their workforce.
従業員 >> の数を減らしている

cut back 減らす
■ Public spending was being cut back.
公共 支出 >> が削減された

no fat to trim      削減できる部分がない fat - budget
■ There's no fat to trim in the budgets.

little fat left to cut      削減する部分はほとんど残っていない        little - fat
■ There is very little fat left on the bone to cut.

cut to the bone ぎりぎりまで減らす       already - bone
■ We've already cut to the bone.
ぎりぎりまで >> 切り詰めている

squeeze     圧迫する
□ Our budgets are squeezed to the breaking point. budget - squeeze - point
予算が、 限界まで >> 圧縮される

ramp down (一定の比率で生産などを)減らす、減少させる
ex) The manufacturers initially need wriggle room to ramp down their operations.
製造業者たちは 生産量を減らすための 余地を必要としている

ramp down: to decrease or cause to decrease
ex) As the project ramped down, several employees were laid off.

pare 切り詰める
ex) Consumers pare spending to bare essentials.

pare: to reduce (something) in size, amount, or number
ex) The company has to find a way to pare expenses.
会社は 経費を削減させる方法を探さなければならない

bare essentials 必要最低限のこと
ex) We spend money on bare essentials and bills.
最低限の購入や、支払い にお金を使う

bare essential: absolutely necessary
ex) The room was furnished with just the bare essentials.
その部屋は 最低限必要な 家具だけが設置されていた

pare down … to bare-bones   最低限の必要に押さえる
ex) We can't pare down the infrastructures to its minimum bare bones level.

pare down ... to a bare-bones: to reduce something to a level at which only what is absolutely necessary is left
ex) The budget has been pared to the bone. (= reduced as much as possible)
経費は 最低限まで減らされている

minimize 最低限にまで減らす minimize - inventory
□ We're trying to minimize the total cost of inventory.


値上げする 値下げする 交渉する かさむ・積る 比較する 選ぶ
