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「Markdowns - 値下げ・割引・値引き」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ discount 割引、値引きする
ex) Car dealers are heavily discounting last year's unsold models.
車のディーラーは 昨年の 売れ残りの型の車を 大幅に値下げしている
discount: to lower the amount of (a bill, price, etc.)
ex) The vacation plan included a discounted price on our hotel room.
■ lower the price 価格を下げる
ex) We lowered the price of the product so that its street price is $7.
lower: to reduce the value or amount of (something)
ex) Fuel prices have been lowered in recent weeks.
燃料の価格は ここ数週間で下がっている
■ markdowns 値下げ
ex) We're offering a ten percent markdown on selected items.
厳選した商品に 10% の値下げを提供している
markdown: : a lowering of price
ex) Markdown optimization is all the rage of retailers.
値下げ幅の最適化が、あらゆる業界の小売販売で 見受けられる
■ optimize 最適化する
ex) We fall short of achieving cost optimization.
optimize: : to make as perfect, effective, or functional as possible
ex) You can optimize how you display the discount so customers perceive it to be more compelling.
消費者に対し、割引価格をより 説得力のあるように表示する 最適化方法があります
■ all the rage 大流行して
ex) When I was in my teens, Walkmans were all the rage.
all the rage: to be very popular at a particular time
ex) Shop all the rage women's dresses at up to 70% off.
流行中の婦人用ドレスを 最大 7割引きで購入しよう
■ fall short of 達しない、充分でない
ex) Our profit fell short of our predictions.
fall short of: to fail to reach an amount or standard that was expected or hoped for, causing disappointment
ex) August car sales fell short of the industry's expectations.
8月の車の販売は 業界の期待値を下回った
■ knock down 値下げする、値下げさせる
ex) We knocked each CD down $1.
私たちは CDの値段を 1枚につき1ドルの値下げさせた
knock down: to reduce a price, or to persuade someone to reduce the price of something they are selling
ex) She wanted $200 but I knocked her down to $175.
彼女は 200ドルにしたかったが、私は 175ドルまで 値下げさせた
□ Their price was knocked down to $5.
5ドルに値下げされた knock down - dollar
reduction 値下げ
□ The effect of a price reduction is smaller than the coupon effect.
値下げによる売上げ効果は低い effect - reduction - coupon
beat the price 値切る
□ We can't be beaten on price.
値下げはしない beaten
■ haggle (がつがつと)値切る
ex) Haggling over a few pennies is a waste of your time.
僅かな額に対し 値切ることは、時間の無駄だ
haggle: to talk or argue with someone especially in order to agree on a price
ex) I dislike having to haggle with a salesman over the price of a new car.
新車の値段をセールスマンと交渉し値切ることは 好きではない
bargain for a better price 値引きを交渉する
□ I bargained with the clerk and got a good deal.
□ drive a hard bargain 自分に有利に値段交渉を進める
ex) He is known to drive a hard bargain, so I doubt you'll get that car for the price you want.
shave off the price 値下げする
□ Shave a few dollars off the price.
cut-rate 割り引き値段の、安っぽい
□ You can buy electronic goods, mostly at cut-rate prices.
割引き価格で買える electronic - mostly - cut-rate
discount for cash payment 現金払いに対する割引き
□ Do you offer discounts for cash payment or one lump sum payment?
現金割引はありますか offer - lump - sum
one lump sum payment 一括払い
□ I'll make a lump sum payment to the owner.
一括で払う lump - sum - owner
値上げする - 交渉する - かさむ・積る - 比較する - 減らす - 支払う