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「Plunge - 下がる・急落・下落」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ slide (数字など)下がる
ex) Our sales slid almost 10% in July from a year ago.
■ a … % slide in …%の下落
ex) They reported a 3% slide in first-half furniture sales.
上半期、 家具の販売の売り上げが3%下落したと報告した
slide: to pass or fall gradually into a specified state, character, practice, etc.
ex) The strap of her dress kept sliding down.
彼女のドレスの肩紐は ずり落ち続けた
□ slip (数字など)下がる
ex) They are confident about their future despite slipping sales.
□ dip 低下する、下回る
ex) Oil prices dipped marginally.
石油のが わずかに下がった
□ nosedive 急に落ちる
ex) Our sales nosedived again.
セールスが再び 急下降した
□ plunge 急に落ちる
ex) Our income has plunged in the last few years.
収入が ここ数年で 急に落ちた
□ plummet 急に落ちる
ex) The use of cameras has plummeted dramatically.
□ be in free fall 急落中だ
ex) Our stocks prices are in free fall.
□ fall below … … を下回る
ex) Purchases of cars fell below our forecast.
□ be below year-ago levels 1年前を下回る
ex) Sales are below year-ago levels.
□ fall off 落ち込む
ex) House sales fell off sharply.
■ tailspin (急激な)悪化、沈滞
ex) Our sales was tailspinning into chaos.
私たちの売上は 収拾がつかない程 下降していた
tailspin: become out of control
ex) Our industry was thrown into a tailspin.
■ be thrown into … … に放り込まれる
ex) Abruptly we got thrown into the tough situations.
be thrown into: To put someone or something suddenly or forcefully into some condition, position, or activity
ex) She's thrown herself into this new job.
彼女は 新しい仕事に没頭した
□ start to come down 下がり始める
ex) Many houses will be put up for sale, once prices start to come down.
□ be put up for sale 売りに出される
ex) The real estate company just put up the home for sale.
■ precipitous (数値などの上下が)急激な、突然の
ex) My time spent on websites declined precipitously.
私の インターネット閲覧の時間数は 急激に下がった
precipitous: happening in a very quick and sudden way
ex) There has been a precipitous drop in home sales recently.
最近 住宅販売数が急激に落ち込んだ
売上げが上がる□ 限界□ 利益□ 損失□ 税金□ 値上げする□