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「Dim the Lights - 照明・電球・蛍光灯」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ desk light 電気スタンド
ex) I have a desk light with an adjustable gooseneck.
■ has gone out (電球・照明)切れる
ex) The light bulb has gone out. I need to buy a replacement bulb.
電球が切れたので、替わりの電球を買う 必要がある
light bulb: a device used to convert electricity into light, consisting of a source of illumination enclosed within a transparent or translucent shell, typically having a rounded shape and designed to be fitted into a socket in a lamp
ex) Loose connections between the circuit and the fixture can cause light bulbs to burn out faster.
電気回線と 照明器具の接続が緩い場合、電球の寿命は短くなる
■ burn out / be out (電球・照明)切れる、燃え尽きる
ex) The light bulb has burned out. / The bulb is out.
burn out: to become too tired or unable to work
ex) Light bulbs burn out for a variety of reasons, but the most common cause of a burnt out light bulb is simply the passage of time.
電球が切れる理由は 多くあるが、もっとも一般的な原因は 時間経過によるものである
■ replace (物を)置き換える、交換する
ex) Could you replace the light bulb?
replace: take the place of
ex) To replace a light bulb, all you need to do is disconnect the power, remove the old bulb, and screw a new bulb into place.
電球を取り換えるために、灯りを消して 古い電球を取り外して、新しい電球を設置して
□ fluorescent 蛍光灯
□ All fluorescent tubes grow dimmer with age.
□ halogen light ハロゲンライト
ex) Halogen lights are actually energy efficient.
□ dim 薄暗い、灯りを落とした
ex) Working in a dim office is depressing.
薄暗いオフィスで 働くのは、気が滅入る
□□ dim the lights 照明を落とす
□□ ex) The light automatically in the evening.
□□ 夕方、照明が自動的に落ちる
□ flicker (電気)点滅する、ちかちかする
ex) The overhead light is flickering on and off.
□□ on and off 断続的に
□□ ex)I've been playing hockey on and off for 5 years.
□□ ホッケーを始めたり、止めたりしている
□ reflection 反射
ex) Tilt the computer monitor downward to reduce reflection.
□□ tilt 傾ける
□□ ex) Try tilting your head to the left.
□□ 頭を左側に傾けてみて
□ downward 下方へ
ex) Rotate the flashlight downward and aim the light floor.
□ glare まぶしい光
ex) Light reflections create this glare.
□ indirect lighting 間接照明
ex) Our indirect lighting fixtures are pleasing.
□□ pleasing 心地よい、魅力的な
□□ ex) Try talking in a pleasing manner.
□□ 感じよく話すように
□ cast light 光を放つ
ex) This lamp casts a nice pool of light.
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