英語で 検索エンジン・絞り込み TOP

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「Search engine - 検索エンジン・絞り込み」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

search engine 検索エンジン
ex) Users use the search engines to look up information.

search engine: computer software used to search data (as text or a database) for specified information. also : a website that uses such software
ex) Google dominates the top search engines, with a market share of 91.62%.
グーグルは 検索エンジン市場で 91.62% のシェアを誇っている

□ google .. .. をグーグル検索器で調べる
ex) I didn't have the address so I googled it.
Google: to use the Google search engine to obtain information about (as a person) on the Internet
ex) If you need to know something immediately, you can Google it now.

search terms   検索ワード
ex) Add more specific search terms to focus your results.

□ narrow the search 検索を絞り込む
ex) Narrow your search further with more specific words.
narrow: become or make less wide
ex) To narrow your search, you'll need to zoom in on your topic.

narrow down (候補を)絞り込む
ex) Narrow down your choices and choose the PC that's right for you.

search results 検索結果
ex) Some search engines that display search results in unique ways.
search results: a list of webpages from a search engine that appear in response to a particular search query
ex) I Need to narrow down your search results.

run a search for ... ... を検索する
ex) After you run a search, you'll see a list of relevant websites that match your search terms.
検索をした後、検索キーワードとマッチする 関連のウエッブページがリスト化され、表示される

search: to look somewhere carefully in order to find something
ex) To run a search, you'll need to navigate to a search engine in your web browser.
検索を始めるために、ウェブブラウザー内の 検索器を操作する必要がある

search query 検索クエリ(検索エンジンで調べものをする際に、入力するキーワード)
ex) When you type in a search query, it's not always crystal clear what you're after.
検索クエリを入力する徳、いつも自分が何を調べているのか 完全に明白なわけではない

search query: a word or phrase that an internet user types into a search engine's search box to answer an inquiry or question
ex) Broad and ambiguous queries require a more complex approach.
広義で曖昧なクエリには より語の複雑な組み合わせが求められる



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