英語で電話をかける・電話に出る・応対 TOP

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「電話の機能・パーツ」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

telephone 電話をかける
ex) He telephoned me to say that he was going to be late.
彼は 遅刻すると伝えるために 電話をかけた

telephone: to speak or try to speak to (someone) using a telephone : to call or phone (someone)
ex) I'll telephone her soon.
私は すぐ彼女に電話します

a landline (無線に対し)固定電話
ex) A landline would not be necessary if you have a cell phone.

landline: : a telephone line that transmits signals from one station to another directly along a wire without the use of radio waves
ex) The latest shows that landlines are far more common among homeowners (34 percent have them) than among renters (15 percent).
最近の調査では 持ち家に住む人は、固定電話は 賃借住宅に住む人よりも 遥かに多く固定電話を使用している

corded phoneコード付き電話
ex) Both corded and cordless phones are popular as home phones.

corded landline: one that connects to the provider's cabling through a wall jack
ex) The coiled cord to the handset has a natural curl.
コイル状に巻かれた 受話器に繋ぐコードは 自然に丸まっている

handset  (電話の)受話器
ex) Put down the handset and wait a few seconds.

handset: a component of a telephone that a user holds to the ear and mouth to receive audio through the receiver and speak to the remote party using the built-in transmitter
ex) Cordless phone systems can support up to six handsets placed around your home.
コードレスフォーン機器は 一世代 6個までの 受話器が利用できる

pound key  (電話機のボタン)シャープキー
ex) Enter your PIN followed by the pound (#) key.

call waiting  キャッチホン
ex) Use the call waiting to place one person on hold while you answer a second call.

calling card   テレフォンカード
ex) This calling card is rechargeable.

「Telephone me! - 電話をかける・固定電話・電話対応」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

come on the line   電話に出る     
ex) He came back on the line and asked for my address.
彼は 受話器に戻ってきて、私の住所を尋ねた

call around to …   …へ電話をかけまくる
ex) I called around to the restaurants that deliver and had them deliver pizza.

come pouring in (電話など)たくさんかかってくる
ex) Hundreds of calls came pouring in for hours.

ring off the hook  電話が鳴りっぱなし
ex) We expect the phone to ring off the hook as we’re launching a huge ad campaign.

get through to …    … に電話がつながる
ex) On the Internet, there is no way to actually get through to a real person.

□ I finally got my call through.  

put someone on hold    (電話で)待たせる
ex) They put me on hold for 10 minutes. 

take … off of hold    (電話)保留電話と話す
ex) To take a call off of hold, press the hold button again.

automated phone service  自動音声案内
ex) Our automated phone system shortens your wait time.

a switchboard operator   電話交換手
ex) A switchboard operator is the first impression that a caller has of your company.

a toll call     市外電話
ex) In this case, toll calls are billed at the same price as their regular long distance calls.


給与  昇給 社員 降格  解雇  電話の音  
