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「Dismissal - 解雇・失職・一時解雇」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ fire 解雇する
ex) It's hard to job search if you're filled with anger over being fired.
fire: to dismiss (someone) from a job
ex) They were fired without a good cause.
■ without good a cause 正当な理由もなく
ex) They were not discharged but merely demoted without a good cause.
good cause: a legally sufficient reason for a ruling or other action by a judge
ex) A private-sector employer is not required to have good cause to discharge an employee.
一般企業の雇用主は 従業員解雇に関し 正当な理由を要求されない
■ wrongful 不当に、不法な
ex) If your employer fired you recently, and you believe it was unlawful, you may have a claim for wrongful termination.
もし 雇用主があなたを解雇し、それが不当な解雇であると考えるのであれば、不当解雇を主張することができる
wrongful: not fair, just, or legal
ex) Wrongful termination occurs when an employer violates an employment contract
不当な解雇は 雇用主の契約違反により 生ずる
■ terminate one's employment ... の雇用を打ち切る、解雇する
ex) I get terminated for“using too many sick days.
病欠を使いすぎ 解雇された
terminate: : to take a job away from (someone)
ex) Employees that are wrongfully terminated may be entitled to unemployment compensation.
■ dismiss (雇用者が)解雇する、解任する
ex) He was dismissed [=fired] from his job.
彼は 仕事先で解雇された
dismiss: to end the employment or service of (someone)
ex) Several employees were recently dismissed.
何人かの従業員が 最近解雇された
■ dismissal 免職、解雇
ex) A small group is protesting the dismissals of several employees.
dismissal: the act of ordering or allowing someone to leave
ex) Chronic tardiness may be a cause for dismissal.
■ chronic 慢性的な
ex) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is an illness characterized by extreme fatigue that lasts for several months.
慢性的疲労症候群は 数か月続く 極度の疲労によるものと みなされている
chronic: something that continues over an extended period of time
ex) When excessive absences become a chronic problem, termination is the only solution.
欠勤が常態化した場合、解雇のみが唯一の 解決法である
□ discharge 解雇
ex) Involuntary discharge from employment often comes as a surprise to an employee.
comes as a surprise 驚かせられる、意外な結果である
ex) Although he knew his wife wasn't happy, the divorce came as a surprise.
□ get an axe 解雇になる
ex) The hospital is planning to axe 5 nurses.
□ staff cutback 人員削減
ex) The restaurant chain is cutting back on staff.
□ pink slip 解雇通知
ex) They've received a pink slip for no valid reason.
pink slip: a notice that is given to a worker by an employer saying that the worker's job is ending
□ lay off 一時解雇する
ex) 10 employees will be laid off at the factory.
その 工場では、10人が一時解雇されるであろう
■outplacement 再就職先の斡旋・支援
ex) Outplacement isn’t uust about helping employees; It’s a protective measure, too.
再就職先の斡旋は 労働者を助けるだけでなく、(企業にとっての)防御策にもなる
outplacement: : the activity or process of helping workers find new jobs when they are no longer wanted or needed
ex) Outplacement is an employer-sponsored benefit typically provided as part of a severance package to help terminated and laid off workers move on to another job or career.
雇用主が費用を負担する 再就職先の斡旋は、従業員にとっての利点であり、通常 解雇手当の一部として、従業員の再就職の手助けをする
□ severance pay 解雇手当
ex) You're fortunate enough to receive severance pay.
ex) Employees are not legally entitled to severance pay.
従業員たちは 法律的には 解雇手当を保証されていない
severance: the act of ending someone's employment