英語で転勤・異動・赴任 TOP

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「Transfer - 転勤・異動・赴任」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

 transfer の使い方

"Transfer" の基本的な意味は "移動"ですが、ビジネスでは "転勤" と "異動" の両方の意味を持ちます。 転勤: transfer to another location / 異動: transfer to another department と表現して "転勤" と "異動" を使い分けましょう。

a job tranfer   転勤
ex) You should look into applying for a job transfer.

employee transfer: the process of horizontal movement of an employee, wherein there is a change in the job, without any changes or revision in the remuneration, pay, and modification of responsibilities
ex) The law allows your employer to deny your transfer request for any reason.
法律上 雇用主は 従業員の異動希望を拒否することができる

transfer to another department 異動
ex)My unconsented transfer transfer to another department is a demotion in rank.
一方的な 異動命令は、降格にほかならない
be transferred  転勤となる
ex) I've been transferred to the Chicago branch.

be transferred back 転勤を終える
ex) I've been transferred back to the headquarters.

be relocated 転勤となる
ex) I've been relocated by my company 3 times.

transfer request  転勤の希望
ex) The odds of your transfer request getting approved are slim.

relocation benefits    転勤に対する給付金
ex) Relocation benefits in our industry are pretty good.

overseas job transfer   海外赴任
ex) Should I take an overseas job assignment?
海外赴任の 任務を受け入れるべきだろうか?

send .. abroad   海外に赴任させる
ex) My company will send me abroad for a year or two.
会社は 1、2年 私を海外に赴任させるだろう

accompany   同伴する、同伴させる
ex) I'll accompany my spouse abroad.

switch schools 転校する
ex) Youth who switch schools are more likely to demonstrate a wide array of negative educational outcomes.
転校を経験する若者は 悪い学業成績の取得を経験しがちである

swith school: changing schools for a reason other than moving up to the next grade in a new building
ex) Parents may choose to switch schools if the current environment can't keep up with their children.
父兄は 子供が現在の環境に ついていけない場合、転校を選ぶこともできる


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