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「Promotion - 出世・昇格・昇進」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ promotion 昇格
ex) Who makes the promotion decision?
promotion: the act of raising someone to a higher or more important position or rank
ex) The job offers excellent promotion prospects.
その職位は 昇格の可能性も 提供しています
■ get promoted to … … に昇進する
ex) I just got promoted to sales manager.
promote: to raise someone to a higher or more important position or rank
ex) If I'm not promoted within the next two years, I'm going to change jobs.
今後2年間 昇格がなければ、転職するつもりだ
■ career enhancement 出世、昇進、キャリアアップ
ex) I'll give you some ideas to create career advancement opportunities.
キャリアアップを実現するためのアイデアを いくつか教えましょう
■ enhance one's career 自身のキャリアを高める
ex) Set clear and achievable goals regularly to enhance your career.
自身の出世や昇進のため、明確で達成可能なゴールを 定期的に設定しましょう
career enhancement: any activity or strategy that can help you improve your career prospects
ex) Career enhancement can sometimes require an additional degree.
昇進のためには 追加の学位が必要になることもある
□ career advancement 出世
ex) There are many ways to seek career advancement opportunities.
□ climb the ladder 出世する
ex) A recognition from your superiors will help you climb the ladder.
□ superior 上司
□ ex) Our immediate superior has a limited role to play.
□ 直属の上司の役割りは、限定されている
□ immediate 直属の
□ ex) My immediate manager is trying to demote me.
□ 直属のマネージャーは 私を格下げしようとしている
□ move up 出世する
ex) I work hard to move up to better paying management.
have a rising career 出世盛りのキャリアを持つ
ex) He has a rising career with the prestigious law firms.
□ prestigious 一流の、名誉ある
ex) I want to land a prestigious position.
■ get ahead 出世する、ビジネスで成功する
ex) I want to get ahead in my career.
キャリア面で 成功したい
get ahead: become successful in one's life or career.
ex) He wanted a chance to get ahead.
彼は 出世の機会を待ち望んでいた
■ upward mobility 社会的地位を上昇する能力、出世主義
ex) Upward mobility is the ability to improve one's social status.
upward mobbility: the capacity or facility for rising to a higher social or economic position
ex) Learn why upward mobility is vital and how to improve it.