英語で給与・給料・時給 TOP

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「Hourly Pay - 時給・給料・給与」に関する 英単語 & イデオム

pay     給与
ex) I'm checking the detailed statement of my pay.
私は 私の給与明細を確認しているところだ

pay: money received in exchange for work : money paid to someone for doing work
ex) I work short hours for comparatively good pay.

base pay  基本給
ex) The base pay of entry level isn't very high here.

base pay: the salary or total hourly compensation a company pays an employee for regular working hours
ex) By earning a new title through a promotion, you can increase the value of both your base pay and gross pay.
昇格により 新しい役職を得ることで、基本給と手取り支給額の両方が増える

base salary 基本給
ex) After years of salary increases, businesses across the economy say they're reducing starting salaries for recruits.
数年に渡る 基本給の上昇の後、幅広い業種の会社が 新入社員の初任給を下げると言っている

base salary: fixed amount an employee must be paid for their work as agreed upon during the hiring process
ex) The most common reason for a base salary reduction is when an employee is demoted at work.
従業員の基本給の引下げの 最も一般的な理由は、降格によるものである

be paid   給与をもらう
ex) We're being badly paid.

paid: to do with the money a worker receives from his or her employer
ex) How many times a month are you usually paid? 

a high-paid job 給料のよい仕事 = a high-paying job
ex) Usually parents hope their children get stable and high-paying jobs.
親は大抵 自分の子供が 安定した給与の高い仕事を得てほしいと 望む

The job doesn't pay well.

payday      給料日
ex) Our payday is the last business day of the month.

payday: a day on which someone is paid or expects to be paid their wages
ex) it is the employer's obligation to pay you on the established payday regardless of whether the timecard is submitted.
タイムカードが提出されているかに関わらず、雇用主は労働者に給与を 制定された給与日に 支払うことが義務付けられている

hourly pay   時給
ex) Appropriate hourly pay rate will be determined by the superior.

hourly paid: the rate paid per hour of work
ex) Employees who are paid by the hour are eligible for overtime pay equal to their base wage plus 50%.
時間給制で雇われている 雇用者は、残業に対し 基本時間給に 50% を加算した額を 受け取る資格がある

get a raise.   給料が上がる、昇給する
ex) I got another pay raise. さらに給与が上がった

get a pay cut.   給料が下がる、賃金カットされる
ex) We're facing temporary 30% pay cut.

before tax    税引前の給与額
ex) I get 1,000- dollars before tax.
税引前の給料 1,000ドルもらっている

a per diem   日当            
ex) I'm interested in working on a per diem basis.

□□ on a … basis    … 方式で 
□□ ex) We meet on a weekly basis to discuss business.
□□ ビジネスの話し合いをするために、 私たちは週1のペースで会っている

a merit based pay     実力主義の給与 
ex) Merit-based salaries are the fairest ways to attract good workers.

fringe benefit     (給与以外の)諸手当  
ex) Often, fringe benefits include company-paid health insurance.

perk         (諸手当以外の)特典 
ex) The company offers all these perks like free gym membership and free food.
会社は、スポーツジム の使用や食事を、無料の特典として提供する

transfer salary to a bank 給与を口座に振り込む   
ex) We transfer your monthly salary to your designated bank account.
月給を指定の 銀行口座に振り込みます     

designated         指定された 
ex) The company designated an outdoor smoking area.


昇給 社員 降格 転勤    解雇  電話をかける
