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「Move to Another Job - 転職・転業」に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ move to another job 転職する
ex) When you move to another job, there are going to be some losses involved.
move: change position
ex) When's the right time to leave your job and move to a new company?
□ job changes 転職
ex) Consider before you make a job change.
job change: a situation where you are leaving one company and beginning to work for another.
ex) Changing jobs frequently has become the norm rather than the exception.
転職は例外でなく 普通の事となった
□ make a career move 転職する
ex) I'm sure I'm making the right career moves.
□ get on the career path キャリアの道を行く
ex) I have the opportunity to pursue hundreds of potential career paths.
■ job hopping 職を転々とすること
ex) Job hopping is bad only from a business' perspective.
転職を繰り返すことは ビジネスという視点から見ると 悪である
job hopping: professionals who change jobs frequently and voluntarily
ex) Job hopping indicates a lack of stability in your career.
■ job stability 職の安定性
ex) There are certain industries that still offer long-term job stability.
長期に渡り 職の安定性を提供する業界がある
job stability: the fact of an employee, or a group of employees, being able to keep the same job for a long time
ex) Job stability is a factor that a mortgage lender looks for.
■ mortgage 住宅ローン、担保
ex) Job-hopping may affect your mortgage options.
転職を繰り返すことで 住宅ローンの選択肢に影響が及ぶ場合がある
mortgage: a type of loan that is secured by real estate
ex) They are unable to make their mortgage payments.
■ turnover rate 離職率
ex) High employee turnover is costly and can negatively affect your business.
高い離職率は コストがかかる上、経営にネガティブな影響を与える
turnover rate: the percentage of employees that leave your organization during a given time period
ex) Employee turnover is inevitable.
■ job hopper / job jumper 転職を繰り返す人
ex) Job jumpers are likely to be great performers.
転職を繰り返す人は 仕事で功績を残す ことがよくある
job hopper: an individual who frequently changes jobs, often within a short period of time
ex) Typically job hoppers spent a year or less at their job
転職を繰り返す人が 会社に留まるのは 1年か それ以下である
■ hop between jobs 職を転々とする
ex) Hopping from one job to the next is not a good idea, and will not further your professional career and advancement.
職を転々とするのは よいことではなく、職歴や 出世を促進させることもない
between jobs: a euphemistic way of referring to a person being temporarily unemployed
ex) Some young people tend to hop between jobs and prioritize personal time.
■ prioritize … を優先する
prioritize: : to organize (things) so that the most important thing is done or dealt with first
ex) When changing a job, which one is priority, salary or career enhancement?
休暇を取る□ 有給を取る□ さぼる□ 入社する□ 退職する□ 給与□