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福利厚生 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ fringe benefit (給与以外の)恩典、福利厚生
ex) The common fringe benefits offered to employees include combinations of insurance coverage.
従業員が受ける 最も一般的な福利厚生は 保険の組み合わせである
fringe benefit: a form of pay for the performance of services
ex) Fringe benefits such as bonuses that are paid in cash are likely to be subject to income tax.
ボーナスとして現金で支払われた 恩典は、所得税の対象となりうる
■ benefit package 福利厚生
ex) An ideal benefit package is designed to achieve several key objectives that contribute to attracting employees.
理想的な福利厚生は従業員を魅了するに 十分な いくつかの要素を パッケージ化している
benefit: an indirect form of compensation that organizations provide to their workers through programs, policies, or services
ex) A well-structured benefit package helps attract skilled and qualified individuals to the organization.
構成がしっかりした 福利厚生は スキルや資格を持った人を 起業に惹きつけるために 役立つ
■ a perk of the job (会社が支給する)恩典、福利厚生
ex) Those extra perks will make your personal life a little easier.
perk: money, goods, or other benefit to which one is entitled as an employee or as a shareholder of a company
ex) Many companie are helping to keep personnel at their jobs by providing perks.
多くの会社が 福利厚生を提供することによって 社員を職場に定着させようとしている
■ perquisite (perk の語源/通常の給与に加えて受け取る)手当、特典
ex) Use of the company's jet is a perquisite of the job.
会社の所有する飛行機の使用は 特権にあたる
perquisite: a thing regarded as a special right or privilege enjoyed as a result of one's position
ex) The perquisites of this job include health insurance.
この仕事の 福利厚生として 健康保険が含まれる
□ insurance coverage 保険金、保険の適用
ex) Employees have the opportunity to choose the level of insurance coverage.
□ paid vacation days / paid sick days 有給
ex) There are no limits on the amount of sick days that can be accumulated.
□ retirement benefit 退職金、退職手当て
ex) Employees are eligible for full retirement benefits at age 60.
□ transit subsidy 交通費の補助
ex) We provide a monthly transportation subsidy to the eligible employees.
□ employee discount 社員割引
ex) Many retail shops typically has the added enticement of an employee discount.
有給を取る□ さぼる□ 入社する□ 退職する□ 値下げする□ 転職する□