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「Take A Breather - 休憩・休み・一休み」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

take a break          休憩する
ex) I took a 10 minute break just to reboot my brain.

a break: to stop something for a short period, often to rest, to eat food, or to have a drink: You shouldn't drive for more than three hours without taking a break.
ex) We'll take another break at 3:30.
3時30分にもう一度 休憩を取ります

reboot          再起動させる、(気持ちなど)切り替える
ex) To reboot my life, I'm starting on a new career path.

reboot: boot or be booted again
ex) I'm just waiting for my laptop to reboot.

restful リラックスした、のんびりした
ex) We had a restful weekend.
私たちは リラックスした週末を過ごした

restful: peaceful and quiet in a way that makes you relax
ex) It's restful by the stream.
小川の流れは のんびりした気分にさせる

take a rest break from work        休憩を入れる
ex) Employers owe the employee one hour of pay if the employee is unable to take one or more rest breaks.
従業員が1度以上の休憩を与えられない場合、雇用主は 1時間分の給与を支払わなければならない

rest break: a break from work during work hours
ex) I'm starting to feel frazzled. Just let me take a quick break.

🔗「疲労・疲れ」 に関連する 英語表現

be frazzled          (精神的に)疲れる
ex) I've been frazzled for these last couple of days.

frazzle: cause to show the effects of exhaustion or strain
ex) He was frequently frazzled by the conflicting demands of work and home.
彼は 仕事と家庭の 相反する要求に しばし 疲れを感じていた

be on a break          休憩中
ex) I don't get the phone while I'm on a break.

break: : a brief period of time during which someone stops an activity
ex) It's only five minutes until break time.
休憩時間まで あと5分だ

take a breather         一休みする、休憩する
ex) I want to take a little breather after the meeting.

take a breathe: to stop what you are doing for a short time in order to rest, especially when you are exercising
ex) He is not digging at all now but taking a breather, evidently.
彼は 熱心に調べているのでなく、明らかに 一休みしているのだ

kick back        (背もたれを使って)休む、リラックスする
ex) There's a lounge where we can take a break to kick back.

sit back           (椅子に深く座り)休む
ex) Sit back and just relax for the rest of the day.

recess               休憩
ex) I received alternate days off as I worked during recess.

alternate              別の、代替の
ex) We need an alternate plan in case the weather is uncooperative.

uncooperative 非協力的な
ex) My colleagues are uncooperative and our team is unmanageable.

intermission        (劇、セミナーなどの)幕間、休憩時間
ex) The seminar lasts 1 hour followed by a 15-minute intermission.
1時間のセミナーがあり その後15分の休憩がある


ワークシート  欠勤する  遅刻・早退  リラックス 疲れる 忙しい 
