英語でTired - Frazzled - 疲労・疲れ - 画像 TOP

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「Tired - Frazzled - 疲労・疲れ」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

tired 疲れている
ex) I was really tired after the long trip.

tired: feeling a need to rest or sleep
ex) She's too tired to go out tonight.
今晩 彼女は出かけるには、疲れすぎていた

tiredness  疲労
ex) I fell on the bed for tiredness.

tiredness: temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work
ex) He said that it was tiredness that led him to make the mistake.
彼がその間違えを犯したのは 疲労のためであったと 彼は言っていた

weary 疲労した、疲れた
ex) I need to rest my weary eyes.
疲れ目を 休めたい

weary: lacking strength, energy, or freshness because of a need for rest or sleep
ex) She was weary from years of housework.
彼女は 長年の家事に対し 疲労感を感じていた

be the worse for wear   疲れて、くたくたで
ex) She looks worse for wear as she left the office at 11 pm.

the worse for wear: : in worse condition after doing or experiencing something.
ex) Everyone talked animatedly and nobody felt worse for wear.
皆が活気を持って 会話に参加し、誰も疲労感を感じていなかった

fatigue   疲れ
ex) I can't shake off this fatigue.

fatigue: the state of being very tired : extreme weariness
ex) We were overcome by fatigue after the long journey.

be frazzled          (精神的に)疲れる
ex) I've been frazzled for these last couple of days.

frazzle: cause to show the effects of exhaustion or strain
ex) He was frequently frazzled by the conflicting demands of work and home.
彼は 仕事と家庭の 相反する要求に しばし 疲れを感じていた

feel sluggish   だるい
ex) After changing the job, I feel more productive and less sluggish.

sluggish: lacking energy or alertness
ex) A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon.
昼食でたくさん食べ 午後は疲労感を感じていた

be beat       疲れる
ex) What a long day! I'm beat.

be run down    (エネルギーが消耗し)疲れる
ex) I'm feeling run down and tired occasionally.

be wiped out 疲れる
ex) A monotonous speech like that just wipes me out.


欠勤する  遅刻・早退  休憩する リラックス 忙しい   
