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「Call In Sick - 欠勤・病欠・欠席」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

take a day off           1日欠勤する
ex) I feel guilty for taking even a day off work.
1日でも欠勤することには 罪悪感を感じる

a day off: A day away from work, school, or a similar obligation
ex) I requested a day off for personal reasons.

for … reason    … による理由から
ex) My superior was fired for political reasons.

reason: a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event
ex) Illness and family emergency are perfectly valid reasons to leave work early.
病気や 家庭の緊急事態は 明らかに 早退の理由として 通用する

call in sick    病欠の電話を入れる
ex) I called in sick well in advance 3 hours before my check-in time.

call in sick: contact your supervisor to tell them you're not feeling well and won't be at work
ex) Keep your team informed when you call in sick.
病欠の電話を入れる時、部署のメンバーにも 欠勤を知らせてください

well in advance      (時間)余裕をもって
ex) We encourage scheduling appointments well in advance.

well in advance: something happened much earlier than expected
ex) Make your request for a leave of absence well in advance
欠勤の要請は 時間に余裕をもって知らせてください

be off sick 病気で休んでいる
ex) I was off sick yesterday and I’m very busy having to catch up today.

catch up on …     … の遅れを取り戻す
ex) It'll take me a day to catch up on my ever-increasing workload.

take a sick leave    病気で欠勤する
ex) He takes more sick leaves than their similar counterparts.

counterpart      (比較)同等の人、もの
ex) Managers here appear to be more optimistic than the A-branch counterparts.

sick days               病欠
ex) I turned in a doctor's note for sick days.

turn in                提出する
ex) I turned in a report but forgot to date it.

doctor's note                医師の診断書
ex) You can’t get a doctor's note for 10 bucks.

miss a day of ... ,,,を1日休む
ex) He has never missed a day of work.
彼は 1日も仕事を休んだことがない

absenteeism  (常習的)欠勤
ex) The rising employee absenteeism can affect entire workforce.

absenteeism: the practice of regularly staying away from work or school without good reason.
ex) Often high levels of absenteeism are caused by low job motivation.
高い欠勤率は しばし 仕事に対するモチベーションの低さが原因となる


欠勤する  遅刻・早退  休憩する リラックス  休暇を取る  有給を取る  
