勤務シフト・交替制 TOP

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シフト制に関する 英単語 & イデオム

work in shifts      シフト制で働く
ex) The workers work in shifts spanning two days.

shift: the scheduled period of time during which a person works
ex) He works the day/night shift.

span  (時間など)わたる、(橋など)かかる
ex) We takes pride in serving customers spanning different cultures.

span: to continue throughout (a period of time)
ex) His career as a singer spanned three decades.

work night shifts           夜勤を勤める
ex) I work the night shift for five nights in a row, followed by two days off.

□□ followed by …        続いて … がある
□□ ex) Global companies focus on India for production, followed by China.
□□ 国際的な企業は、生産地としてインド、中国の順で注目している

rotating shift schedule       交替制のシフトで
ex) I work a rotating shift schedule which is standard every month.

rotating           交替制の、輪番の
ex) They announced a series of rotating blackouts to conserve electricity.

rotating: a job that is done at different times by different people
ex) The chairmanship is a rotating post.
議長の任務は ローテーション制である

work irregular shifts       不規則なシフトで働
ex) Working irregular shifts can cause job-related malady.

at varying times □□□ さまざまな時間帯に
ex) The airport clerks are required to work shifts at varying times of the day.

switch shifts with …       … とシフトを交替する
ex) My colleague asked me if I could switch shifts with him tomorrow.

関連する 英語例文ページへ

会社を出る 事務職   残業する  欠勤する  遅刻・早退  休憩する 
