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Clerical work - 事務・事務職員・デスクワークに関する 英単語 & イデオム
- a closer look at clerical jobs -
■ clerical 事務の、事務員の
ex) I have to get all those clerical paperwork duties done.
私は これらの事務仕事を全て終わらせなければならない
clerical: of or relating to a clerk or office worker
ex) She spent the summer doing clerical work for a lawyer.
彼女は 弁護士のための事務仕事を 行なって、夏を過ごした
■ desk work 事務、デスクワーク
ex) Desk work is often not kind to your eyes.
desk work: work done at a desk, as by an office worker
ex) She has a wrist problem, making it difficult to do even desk work.
彼女は手首に健康上の問題があり、デスクワークに取り組むことさえ 困難を感じていた
■ deskbound work 事務の仕事
ex) Deskbound office workers are worried about the effect that sitting at their desks for prolonged periods.
事務職員は 長時間座っていることの影響について心配している
deskbound: having a job that requires you to be at a desk
ex) I don't think I could live the rest of my working life being deskbound.
私は事務の仕事に 人生残りの時間を全て費やす気にはなれない
■ compile (資料を)集める、編集する
ex) Compile records of office activities.
compile: produce (something, especially a list, report, or book) by assembling information collected from other sources
ex) The local authority must compile a list of taxpayers.
地方自治体は 納税者のリストを編集・作成しなくてはならない
□ type 文字をタイプする
ex) Type and revise documents.
□ petty cash 小口現金
ex) Manage petty cash and vendor payments.
□ relay 伝える
ex) Record and relay messages.
relay: to pass (something, such as a message or information) from one person or device to another
■ tidy 整とんする
ex) Tidy and maintain the lobby area.
tidy: to make (something) clean and organized
ex) The office was clean and tidy.
そのオフィスは 清潔でよく整備されていた
□ liaise with … … と連絡を取る
ex) Liaise with other departments.
■ numeracy skills (簡単な)計算力
ex) Numeracy and mental arithmetic skills are needed.
numeracy skills: the ability to understand and work with numbers
ex) Developing numeracy skills early gives children an important foundation for their learning and development.
早期に計算力を身に付けさせることで、子供たちは 学びや発達の重要な基礎力を 得ることになる