電車の混雑・ラッシュ TOP

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「Peak Hours ラッシュアワー・満員・混雑」に関する 英単語 & イデオム

morning peak      ラッシュ時間(帯)
ex) The morning peak trains stop at each station.

peak: the highest level or degree of excellence, quantity, activity, etc.
ex) For morning peak trains, you pay the difference between full peak price and value of ticket.
朝のラッシュアワー時間帯に、運賃と ラッシュ用の差額料金を払わなければならない

peak hours      ラッシュ時間(帯)
ex) They will increase service during the peak hours.
ラッシュアワーの時間帯に 電車の本数を増やす予定だ

at the peak morning hours 朝のラッシュ時に
ex) Travelers anticipate delays when traveling during peak morning hours.

peak hours: during the busiest hours>br> ex) The bridge carries at peak hours about 12,000 vehicles a day.
約12,000の車両が ピーク時間帯に その橋を利用する

frequency        頻度、(一定期間に起こる)回数
ex) Trains run at a sporadic frequencies around noon.

frequency: the number of times that something happens during a particular period
ex) Most long-distance lines in developing or sparsely populated countries are not electrified due to relatively low frequency of trains.
発展途上国や 人口がまばらな国では、電車の発着頻度が低いため、ほとんどの長距離電車が電気化されていない

sporadic      散発的な、まばらな
ex) The bullet train travels at high speeds with only sporadic stops.

sporadic: not constant or steady
ex) The current sporadic train schedule does not adequately serve this bustling area or its visitors.
現在のまばらな運航スケジュールは、活気ある地域や 訪問者たちに 適切なサービスを提供していない

bursting at the seams 混んでいる、(縫い目が)はちきれんばかりの、溢れんばかりの
ex) I'm sure the station is bursting at the seams today, it's Christmas Eve!
今日は クリスマスイブだから、駅は相当混雑しているはずだ

bursting at the seams: to be overly crowded
ex) Because of all the delays this morning, the train station is bursting at the seams.
今朝の遅延により 鉄道駅は混雑していた

bullet train  特急電車
ex) Bullet trains with sleepers will be put into operation.

□□ bullet: a small piece of metal or another material that is shot out of a gun

off-peak hours      ラッシュ以外の時間
ex) During off-peak hours, there’s much less congestion to bypass.

□□ off-peak: less busy or active than other times

congestion        混雑、過密
ex) To alleviate train congestion, some operational improvements are being worked on.

□□ congestion: being too full or crowded with something (such as vehicles or people)

squeeze on (公共の乗り物)何とか、入り込む、乗り込む 
ex) Commuters squeezed on to the crowded train.

□□ squeeze: to press together the parts and especially the opposite sides of (something)

□□ squeeze in  (その他の乗り物) 何とか、入り込む、乗り込む
□□ ex) I squeezed myself into the tiny elevator.      
□□ 何とかエレベーターに、乗り込んだ          

be filled to capacity   満員になる     
ex) During morning peak time, the trains are running packed to capacity.

□□ capacity: the ability to hold or contain people or things

□□ capacity   収容量、収容人数 
□□ ex) The vehicle has a maximum weight capacity of 800 kilograms.
□□ 800kg まで収容できる


chaotic 混乱した、無秩序状態の
ex) It's undeniably chaotic and bewildering.
chaotic: in a state of complete confusion or disorder
ex) The morning rush hour in Tokyo at its peak is very chaotic.

suffocate 息が出来なくなる
ex) I was suffocating for breath and not able to move my arms.

be packed like sardines すし詰め状態になる
ex) I felt like being packed in a small container like sardines.

cram myself into/onto … 自分の体を … に詰め込む
ex) Cramming myself onto a crowded train is my morning ritual.

huddle 身を寄せ合う
ex) Every morning I sit huddled in the seats to nod off.

be in dire need for …   … を絶対必要とする
ex) We're in dire need for less crowded train.

be frequent 頻繁である
ex) In comparison to public transit in Korea, it's way more frequent.

efficient 効率がよい、手際がよい
ex) It's far more efficient than the trains in Thailand.


通勤する 電車の運行 切符  出社する 会社を出る
