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「Commuter Pass - 通勤・乗車・定期券」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■the daily commute to and from work 毎日の通勤
ex) My daily commute to work is over an hour each way.
毎日の 通勤に、片道1時間かかります
commute:to travel regularly to and from a place and especially between where you live and where you work
ex) He commutes to work every day by train.
彼は 毎日電車で職場へ通勤します
■… eat up time … は時間を食う
ex) Commuting can eat up a lot of time.
eat up:use resources or time in very large quantities
ex) Not only does commuting eat up your precious time,but it also affects your health.
■train riders 電車の乗客=passangers
ex) Riderson certain subways may soon notice an increased security presence.
passenger:a person who is traveling from one place to another in a car,bus,train,ship,airplane,etc.,and who is not driving or working on it
ex) There were two passengers in the car in addition to the driver.
■ridership 乗車率
ex) The commute rail ridershipfell 8% in May,compared with a year ago.
5月の乗車率 は、前年の5月と比べで8%下がった
ridership:the number of passengers using a particular form of public transportation
ex) Average weekday ridership for 2023 was 158k,up 18% from 2022.
■swipe (カードなどを)機械などに通す
ex) Swipethe commuter passthrough the slot. Then the turnstilewill let you pass.
swipe:to pass (a credit card,ATM card,etc.) through a machine that reads information from it
ex) The cashier swiped the credit card and gave it back to me.
■commuter pass 定期券
ex) Buy your commuter pass for 3 consecutive months.
3か月 連続の定期を購入して
commuter pass:a multiple trip pass on selected commuter routes
ex) These monthly passes are valid for up to two trips a day between the stations indicated on your pass.
1か月ごとの定期券は 1日2乗車まで有効で、定期券に記載されている 駅で利用できる
■ zip through (ものすごい勢いで)通り抜ける
ex) I got off the train and zipped right throughthe turnstile.
zip:to move or act very quickly
Cars were zipping past us on the highway.
■turnstile 改札
ex) The fare-beater skipped turnstiles.
turnstile:a gate at an entrance that has arms which turn around and that allows only one person at a time to pass through
ex) A turnstile can be configured to enforce one-way human traffic.
改札は乗客の一方通行を施行するように 設定されている
□ head to work 仕事に向かう
ex) Before I head to work,I take a little detouralong the pond.
□□*be headingと be headed
□□Where are you heading?(何処へ向かっているの?) は 英・米で使われます。
□□Where are you headed?は意味は同じですが、米で使われる表現です。
□□I'm heading to Mexico. = I'm headed toMexico.
□ head off to … … に向かう
ex) She is about to head off toToronto,Canada.
□□head off(informal)=leave
■make a detour 寄り道をする
ex) You can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.
detour:the act of going or traveling to a place along a way that is different from the usual or planned way
ex) After a number of unexpected detours,we finally arrived at our destination.
東京で電車に乗るに関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ fare chart運賃表
ex) Look at the fare chart above the vending machine.
□ be based on … … を基にする
ex) Fares are based on distance.
□ deduction (運賃の)割引き
ex) They offer a special deduction on the regular fare.
□ automated tunstiles 自動改札機
ex) Put your ticket into the automated turnstiles.
□ spit out (機械がぽんと)出す
ex) The turnstile spits out your ticket at the end.
□ pay the difference 差額を支払う
ex) Pay the difference by using the fare adjustment machines.
□ train network 電車網
ex) Tokyo has an extensive subway network.
□ runs in a loop 円を描くように
ex) The Yamanote line runs in a loop around central Tokyo.
□ private lines 私鉄
ex) Three private lines start at that station.
■interoperate with … … 相互運用する
ex) Some of the private lines interoperate with the subways.
いくつかの私鉄は 地下鉄と相互乗り入れをしている
interoperate: the ability of systems,units,or forces to provide services to and accept services from other systems,units,or forces and to use the services so exchanged to enable them to operate effectively together
ex) The railway industry is transforming into more interoperable and vendor-independent solutions.
鉄道業界は 相互乗り入れの多用と、一つの鉄道会社に頼らない ソリューションへと移行している
電車の運行□切符□駅□ラッシュアワー□ 出社する□会社を出る□