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「Through train - 直通電車・運行・路線」 の英語フレーズ

run (輸送機関が定期的に)運行する
ex) How far does the train run?

run: to go on a particular route or at particular times
ex) The through train runs every hour.
その直通電車は毎一時間ごとに 運行する

run through to …   (線路など) … まで通っている
ex) The train runs through to Tokyo station.
その電車は 東京駅まで行きます

run through: :to go or extend in a particular direction
ex) The railroad runs through the mountain.
その線路は 山を突き抜けて敷かれている

pull into (電車が)駅に入る
ex) The train pulled into the last station.

pull away from(電車が)駅から出る
ex) The train pulled away from the track.
pull: to move from or to a particular place
ex)The car pulled out of the driveway.

track (米)プラットホーム、(英 platform)
ex) Passengers are expected to form queues on the station tracks.
track: a set of tracks at a train or subway station
ex)The train to Chicago will leave track 3.

join ‥ line at …     ‥駅で、 … 線に乗り入れしている
ex) The train joins the main line at Central Station.
join: to come together with (something)
ex) The roads join [=meet] each other near here.

diverge into …に分岐する分散する
ex) Get off at the station where the single line diverges into two separate lines.
diverge: to split and move out in different directions from a single point
ex) There are two blades that force the train wheels to diverge from their current rails.

continue onto …    …のその先まで行く
ex) From there, the train will continue onto that station.
continue: to go or move ahead in the same direction
ex) When two trains are scheduled to meet on a track, dispatchers pull one train off onto a siding so the other can continue traveling safely on the main line.

pass by 通過する
ex) The express train passes by those smaller stations.

run half empty   すいている
ex) The trains are running half empty most of the time.

run fully packed    満員である
ex) This train is fully packed especially during weekdays.

grind to a halt 急停車する
ex) We heard the wheels squealing. Then the train ground to a halt.
私たちが 車輪が軋む音を聞いた後、電車は急停車した

halt: to stop (something or someone) from moving or continuing
ex) Subway crews ground service to a halt on the A and C lines
地下鉄の乗務員たちは A とC ラインの運行サービスを停止した


a car (電車の)1車両
ex) There is space for suitcases behind the last row of seats in each car.

an eight-car train   8両編成の電車
ex) The subway line began running eight-car subways during rush periods.

car: a separate section of a train
ex) The train has 20 cars.

through train   直通電車
ex) They suggested adding through-train services.

through train: a train usually making a limited number of stops on which passengers may travel to a scheduled destination without changing to another train
ex) The through train travels a long distance without any stops.
その直通電車は 長距離を途中駅で停車することなく運行している

up train   上り電車
ex) Trains are classified as up trains or down trains. The train to the city center is the up service.

up train: a train going in the direction of the metropolis or the main terminus
ex) This up train is bound for the terminal station.
この上り電車は ターミナル駅行きです

a commuter train 通勤電車
ex) Commuter trains run every 7 minutes.

a deadhead train   回送車
ex) The local train comes 2 minutes after the deadhead train comes through.

unmanned trains   無人運転列車
ex) Monorail vehicles can be both manned and unmanned.

sleeper  寝台車
ex) For longer rides, many trains have sleeper rooms.


a hanging strap 吊革
ex) Hang on to the hanging strap.

pole (電車内の)手すり
ex) The subways have the vertical poles in the middle of the cars.

the rack in the train    網棚
ex) There are racks above the seats.

aisle 通路
ex) He was sitting across the aisle from us.

aisle: a passage where people walk
ex) The side-facing seat configuration allows the aisle in the middle of the rail car to be wider.

twin seat 2名用の座席
ex) There are twin seats facing each other.


通勤する  切符   ラッシュアワー  出社する 会社を出る
